Jump into this practical series to get really good at making job ads. It's perfect for HR professionals, recruiters, and Hiring Managers who want to grab attention with their ads. You'll learn the basics of writing clear, catchy ads, how to use cool tools like SEO and AI to get your ads seen by more people, and how to be clear about pay in ...
This learning path, led by José Kadlec, is for sourcers who want to master LinkedIn to find top talent. You'll start with the basics of the free LinkedIn version and move to advanced features in the paid LinkedIn Recruiter. This path will help you become skilled at using all of LinkedIn’s tools to find the best candidates. ...
This learning path is designed to set contract and temp desk recruiters up for success. You will learn the background of contracting, the legal options open to contractors and the benefits for individuals taking up a contract role. We will also bring you through the specifics of service delivery, and the key metrics that drive ...
Although recruiting talent may be second nature, are you as adept at securing diverse talent? In this learning path, you will learn how to search databases for diversity and how to be both creative and strategic when it comes to building talent pipelines with diverse candidates, long before a requisition is open. ...
Having a deep knowledge of the industry you’re recruiting in will help you talk fluently with candidates and determine if they have the right skills. With this learning path, you will become an expert in recruiting for the financial sector, including banking and fund management. ...
Gain the industry knowledge required to successfully recruit within the healthcare sector. This learning path will teach you how to use data from the World Health Organization to explore your market and predict hiring needs. We also deep dive into the different clinical roles and the skills and education needed to hire for each. ...
Employment in healthcare occupations is growing exponentially. To be successful as a recruiter, it is critical to understand the industry behaviors, regulations, production processes and roles needed to fill. With this learning path, you will become an expert in recruiting for the life sciences sector, including digital ...
Working with people from multiple cultures, or even a culture that's different to your own, can sometimes be a recipe for conflict, miscommunication and misunderstanding. In this learning path, discover the eight cultural spectrums needed to build a culture map, how to adjust your leadership and communication style to bridge the ...
Hiring processes are filled with moments of transition. These moments can be memorable, both for positive or negative reasons. Having the ability to turn these transitions into meaningful moments is critical and will impact engagement and retention. In this learning path, you will discover how to create a great experience in the ...
How can you find the most elusive of candidates, the "purple squirrels"? This learning path will teach you advanced sourcing techniques for truly passive talent, and the the end-to-end sourcing process for a technical IT role. You will also learn advanced search techniques for talent mapping, and how to measure sourcing ...
As a hiring manager, you want to make sure your interviewing team is aligned on what good looks like, with clear hiring criteria that ensure diversity.. This 1 hour content from John Vlastelica shows you how to get speed, quality and diversity out of your interviewing process, select the right talent for your organization and foster a ...
From screening to offering, the interviewing stage is an integral part of any recruitment process. This learning path, led by John Vlastelica and Simon Haigh, will help you become an expert interviewer. You will learn how to: establish the hiring criteria, evaluate candidates with behavioral and situational questions, and sell ...
Designed to help ensure your recruitment processes are inclusive, this learning path delivers comprehensive strategies to help you adapt your approach. With missions on being an ally and how to recruit across cultures, to content on LGBTQ+ inclusion and how covering can present in a workplace – this is essential learning for any ...
This learning path, led by José Kadlec, is for recruiters and sourcers who want to make their sourcing process more efficient and innovative. You'll start with the basics of sourcing automation and then dive into advanced AI tools that can help at every stage of recruiting. By following this learning path, you'll become skilled in ...
Our lives are measured in moments, and peak moments are the ones that endure in our memories and have lasting impact. Many of those moments are the result of accident or luck, but why would we leave our most meaningful, memorable moments to chance when we can create them? In this learning path based on Dan and Chip Heath's best-selling ...
Psychological safety is about creating a team climate of trust and mutual respect, one in which people are comfortable being themselves and speaking out. In this learning path, you will find practical strategies to foster psychological safety in your team and organization, and the impact it has in employee engagement, ...
With the power of diversity and inclusion well-known in our organizations, a significant hurdle we still face is ensuring a fair, unbiased interviewing and hiring process. You play a leading role as a Hiring Manager and Interviewer. In this learning path, you will learn how to plan, build and implement simple strategies to mitigate ...
As you create a culture of psychological safety in your team, the levels of trust that your team members must have in you as a manager grows. Trust is developed through caring about your team as people, being a stable ballast for your team, and a positive and hopeful outlook. In this path, you’ll learn how to build trust as a leader through ...
Simon Haigh, the growth strategist, will show you how to adjust your interview process to ensure it is aligned with hiring the right candidates, with the right attributes to build and sustain a cohesive and inclusive growth culture. In this mission, learn about the key personal attributes necessary to build cohesive and inclusive ...
In this mission, you'll learn from 8 diverse perspectives on their experience with discrimination, bias and prejuduce in everyday situations, especially in the workplace. Learn about the scale of discrimination and its impact on the economy, and what practical steps you can take to stamp out discrimination in your workplace. ...
This mission by Roy Baladi from Jobs for Humanity is a hands-on immersive experience that will teach you how to create an inclusive hiring process for people from all walks of life, help you overcome your own biases, and give you a chance to apply what you learn by coaching two underrepresented job seekers. ...
What is the best structure for an interview process? Although this will vary depending on different factors - such as the role you are hiring for – this mission will give you a practical 5 step approach to create a great interview process. John Vlastelica will show you how to align with your interviewing team, the fundamentals of ...
Tired of overlooking great candidates? Our course, "The Ideal Search Process," is here to revolutionize your recruitment strategy. Dive into the art of seeing beyond resumes and job titles, and master the techniques to unearth hidden talents. We'll guide you through using innovative tech tricks to spot potential that others ...
Employee engagement is a complicated formula, with some factors that might be outside of your control. But one thing that is entirely in your control is creating meaningful moments to keep your team excited about their work. In this mission, Dan Heath will walk you through three practical strategies to create moments that foster ...