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The Job Offer: Closing and Making the Offer

The art of presenting a compelling job offer to your dream candidate and securing a "yes" is explored in this mission by John Vlastelica, where you'll learn how to pre-close each aspect of the job offer and close your candidate. Don't leave anything to chance!

Presenters Presented By
John Vlastelica
SocialTalent Expert
John Vlastelica draws from over 20 years of recruiting experience, including almost 10 years as a corporate recruiting leader. He was the Head of Recruiting for Expedia, Head of Tech Recruiting for, and a hands-on recruiter and engineering recruiting leader for two start-up divisions of McCaw/AT&T Wireless. In 2005, he started Recruiting Toolbox to help other companies improve their in-house recruiting capabilities.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the Mission you will be able to:
Learn effective strategies for pre-closing candidates and managing the entire offer process from preparation to acceptance
Master techniques for educating and aligning with hiring managers to ensure successful offer outcomes
Develop skills to handle complex scenarios including negotiations, counteroffers, and competing offers

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