Course Library > Interviewer > Are You a Talent Hoarder...

Are You a Talent Hoarder

Talent hoarding is defined as when a manager keeps talent on their team for longer than is good for the company or the employee. This has become one of the most significant barriers to internal mobility and retention. In this mission, Dr. Bev Kaye will show you the importance of shifting from talent hoarding to talent sharing.

Presenters Presented By
Beverly Kaye
SocialTalent Expert
Dr. Beverly Kaye is recognized internationally as a professional dedicated to helping individuals, managers, and organizations understand the practical “how-to” principles of employee development, engagement, and retention.​

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the Mission you will be able to:
What is talent hoarding.
The consequences of hoarding talent.
Strategies to avoid talent hoarding and promote talent mobility.

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