SilkRoad’s Top Sources of Hire Report is back for 2016 with an analysis of millions of applications, and hundreds of thousands of interviews and hires. This year’s survey sees the Texas-based Indeed continue to reign supreme over external candidate sourcing for talent acquisition, providing more than 6 times as many interviews as the next largest external source—and nearly two and half times as many hires as all the other top-branded job sites combined.
“Changes in accessibility and candidate expectations demand that talent management adapt—especially regarding candidate sourcing,” said John Westby, Vice President of Corporate Marketing at SilkRoad. “From a universe of sources, professionals are challenged to make intelligent selections to tap the right talent pipelines and optimize their recruitment budgets. SilkRoad’s Top Sources of Hire report helps ease those challenges.”

- Indeed delivered more than 6x as many interviews as CareerBuilder, the next largest external source.
- Moreover, Indeed yielded nearly 2.5x as many hires as all the other top branded external sources combined, i.e. CareerBuilder, Craigslist, LinkedIn and Monster
- Employee referrals dominate recruiting among internal sources, producing 40% of interviews and 37% of hires, while ranking number one for hires among all the sources in the study
- The 2 top job search engines—Indeed and Simply Hired—accounted for the lion’s share of external online recruiting activity, namely 62% of interviews and 59% of hires
- Not yet deceased, job boards still comprised approximately 22% of all sources in the study, delivering 18% of interviews and 12% of hires
Download the full report here.