How to: Respond to a Negative Glassdoor Review

In today’s digital age, Glassdoor has become a go-to platform for job seekers to gain insights into a company’s work culture and reputation. With 86% of job candidates referring to a company’s reviews and rating on Glassdoor before applying, it is crucial for organizations to effectively manage their presence on this platform. 

Receiving a negative Glassdoor review can be disheartening, but it’s essential to remember that it’s not the end of the world. In fact, negative reviews can present opportunities for growth and improvement if handled correctly. And they can be hugely beneficial when it comes to addressing issues with your employer brand or candidate experience. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the steps of responding to a negative Glassdoor review effectively, highlighting the importance of addressing these concerns and turning them into positive outcomes.

Glassdoor review

1. Monitor and Understand the Negative Review

The first step in responding to a negative Glassdoor review is to stay proactive. Regularly monitoring your company’s Glassdoor profile allows you to identify and address issues promptly. Be sure to consider the following key aspects when evaluating the review:

A. The Reviewer: Take note of who wrote the review. Is it a current or former employee? What department did they work in, and how long were they with the company? Understanding the reviewer’s context can provide valuable insights.

B. Specifics of the Complaint: Pay close attention to the issues raised in the review. Is it related to company culture, management, compensation, or work-life balance? Understanding the specific problem helps you tailor your response effectively.

C. Emotional Tone: Assess the emotional tone of the review. Is the reviewer angry, disappointed, or just offering constructive criticism? This will influence the tone of your response.

2. Stay Professional and Emotionally Intelligent

When responding to a negative Glassdoor review, it’s crucial to maintain professionalism and emotional intelligence. Responding defensively or angrily can harm your company’s image further. Instead, follow these guidelines:

A. Express Empathy: Start your response by acknowledging the reviewer’s feelings and concerns. Express empathy and show that you genuinely care about their experience.

B. Address Specifics: Be specific in your response. Address the concerns raised in the review, providing detailed information or plans for improvement where applicable.

C. Stay Positive: Maintain a positive and solution-oriented tone. Emphasize your commitment to making improvements and fostering a positive work environment.

3. Provide Context and Perspective

Sometimes, negative reviews may stem from misunderstandings or isolated incidents. To address these situations, provide context and perspective. Remind the reviewer of your company’s mission, vision, and values. Explain how these align with your actions as an employer. Mention the positive aspects of working at your company. This can help balance the negative feedback and provide a more accurate picture to potential candidates. And if the reviewer’s claims are inaccurate, politely correct them with factual information. Avoid confrontations, and focus on providing accurate data.

Glassdoor review

4. Commit to Improvement

To demonstrate your commitment to addressing issues raised in the negative Glassdoor review, take concrete steps:

A. Outline Action Plans: Share your plans for addressing the issues mentioned in the review. This shows that you are actively working to improve the work environment.

B. Seek Feedback: Encourage the reviewer to provide further feedback or suggestions privately. This demonstrates your openness to constructive criticism.

C. Follow Up: After implementing changes, follow up with the reviewer (if possible) to let them know about the improvements made based on their feedback.

Learn more: How to Build the Perfect Candidate Experience

5. Humanize Your Response

Avoid using templated or robotic responses. Personalize your response by addressing the reviewer by name and signing off with a name from the leadership or HR team. This humanizes your response and shows that a real person is listening and engaging with their concerns.

And even if you disagree with the reviewer’s perspective, it is essential to show empathy and understanding. Acknowledge their experience and emotions, and convey your commitment to creating a positive work environment. Demonstrating empathy can help rebuild trust and foster a sense of belonging among employees.

6. Monitor and Iterate

The process of responding to negative Glassdoor reviews doesn’t end with a single response. Continuously monitor your company’s Glassdoor profile, take feedback seriously, and iterate on your approach to improving the workplace environment. Over time, this can lead to better reviews and a more positive online reputation.

7. Risk of Adding Fuel to the Fire

While it is essential to address negative reviews, carefully evaluate whether responding will add fuel to the fire. Some reviews may be driven by personal grievances rather than valid concerns. In such cases, responding may only escalate the situation. Assess the potential risks of responding and consider whether it is best to let certain reviews go unanswered.


Managing Glassdoor reviews goes beyond crafting responses; it involves actively listening to employee feedback and taking appropriate action. Glassdoor can serve as a valuable feedback mechanism, providing insights into hidden issues and pain points within the organization. While not all reviews need immediate action, it is important to carefully analyze and act upon relevant feedback. By addressing concerns and making meaningful changes, companies can foster a positive work environment and attract top talent.

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