How To Use LinkedIn Search Filters to Find Perfect People First
Why recruiters should use LinkedIn search filters
LinkedIn is a powerful tool for recruiters. LinkedIn search filters can help you find suitable candidates by narrowing your search by location, industry, and skills. LinkedIn also provides a wealth of information about each member, including their work history and recommendations from other LinkedIn members. As a result, LinkedIn is an indispensable tool that should be included in the recruitment training offered to your talent acquisition team.
How To Use LinkedIn Search Filters to Find Perfect People First
Holly Fawcett is a LinkedIn pro. She runs regular sourceathons with the SocialTalent customers, knows every LinkedIn product update inside out and more importantly- knows how recruiters can get the best out of LinkedIn. Here, she shares her tips for using LinkedIn filters to help you zone in on the best candidates.
Key Takeaways
LinkedIn search filters sound like a pretty basic part of recruiting. But now you know just how powerful they can be. Learning how to employ them properly can maximise your search and find they star candidates. In order to zoom in on perfect people first remember:
- Job titles come in two different types, function and seniority and are often made up of two or more words eg. senior project manager. Tailor your boolean string to find the perfect match for your needs
2. Not everyone treats LinkedIn like a CV or resume. Many of LinkedIn’s profiles only have basic information and have not listed all their skills and experience. Using the ‘current companies’ filter can help you work out the standard of this candidate.
3. Learn to leverage your connections. Use your current connections to help you find stellar candidates that will be easier to engage.
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