The complete guide to posting jobs on Indeed

Indeed is the world’s largest and most popular job board. With over 250 million unique visitors every month, Indeed is a household name for job seekers and employers alike. According to their website, 10 new job postings are added to their database every second and at any given moment the site plays host to a staggering 150 million resumes. It is a juggernaut tool for recruiters and one absolutely worth adding to your talent sourcing training. Our step-by-step guide will take you through the fundamentals of posting to Indeed but we’ll also provide some best practice tips along the way. Let’s get down to brass tacks…

Step 1.

Go to, click ‘Post a job’ and then set up your account. 


Step 2. 

Now, start to add details about your company and fill in the basic fields related to the job. In response to COVID, there is also a form to give clarity over the current status of the position – is it a remote job or maybe just temporarily remote? 

Tip: Make sure your title is precise and inclusive. Keep it relatively short and think about the general terms that people search for. Don’t hide your job behind a smokescreen, it will only hinder top talent from finding it.


Step 3.

We’re starting to get into the nitty gritty of the job details now. From here you’ll find fields for the kind of contract being offered, the general schedule and proposed start date. It’s not all mandatory, but the more information you can give a candidate, the happier they’ll be. 

Step 4.

Including salary information can often be contentious. We think it’s important (and this blog post will tell you exactly why) but it’s not fundamentally required. There is also a section to include any benefits like flexible schedules, work from home or insurance.

Tip: Including benefits is a great way to give candidates a reason to apply. They can hint at the company culture (something that can be very difficult in this new remote world) and should be used as selling points.


Step 5.

Next, tweak your application settings as you see fit. Indeed even offers a built-in ATS (applicant tracking system) to keep track of candidates who have applied.

Tip: Clear, quick and comprehensive communication between a recruiter and candidate is important for success. Don’t leave top talent wandering in the dark.

Step 6.

It’s job description time. In her masterclass on the SocialTalent platform, Katrina Kibben states that ‘job postings are the currency of recruiting.’ So make sure you spend time on this and get it right.

Tip: Be concise. Don’t expect job seekers to sift through reams of text because they won’t. Katrina argues that short and to the point is the most effective approach.


Step 7.

Here, you can select if you want to include a qualification requirement. Trends are moving away from strict adherence to exact years as it could alienate amazing talent. So keep this in mind. You can also add an automated skills assessment. Indeed boasts over 150; their aim is to separate the wheat from the chaff and help you screen candidates for specific skills or abilities that may be of vital importance for a role. 


Step 8.

Finally, you need to choose whether to submit the job post for free or sponsor it. According to Indeed, posts that have a budget are 3.5 times more likely to result in a hire. It comes down to personal preference here. Sponsored posts have more visibility, so if time is a factor it might be worth considering. It’s interesting to note too that Indeed’s sponsored ads work on a pay-for-performance cost model, meaning you pay a certain fee for every click you get from the sponsored ad.


Adding a job post to Indeed is simple. But taking the time to make sure all your details are accurate and calibrated is what will set those posts apart. This is where SocialTalent can help. We have courses and missions designed to specifically help organizations find, hire, onboard and engage top talent. Get in-touch with us today.

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