20 of the Funniest Office Pranks You Will Ever See
We’re not going to lie: sometimes you need pranking in the office to help you make it to that 5.30pm mark. You can only engage in small talk with your colleagues so many times throughout the week. So we decided to check out the archives of pranks over the years and pick our favourite 20. From perfect impersonations to food stealing debacles, we guarantee you will laugh out loud at these pranks. Check out our list here:
1. Wouldn’t want to be the person who had to open the door…

Source: Buzzfeed
2. Punish your sleepy co-workers in the best possible way…
3. Have a gullible colleague? Why not get an impersonator….
4. Leaving your boss on a Friday like…
5. Dude, where’s my car?

Source: gcbb, Flicker
6. Continuing the car pranking theme…

Source: Prank Im
7. Office treat anyone?

Source: Reddit
8. Any of your colleagues passionate Harry Potter fans?

Source: Imgur
9. Not what you would want to see on a Monday morning…

Source: Imgur
10. The ultimate battle of mind games…

Source: Imgur (it doesn’t end there)
11. Pure evil…

Source: EvilMilk
12. If that’s too far, maybe try this. Sure who doesn’t like to play a game?

Source: CollegeHumor

13. Some people just want to watch the world burn…

Source: sarcasticfitnessmama, Instagram
14. Ewwwwww…

Source: Imgur
15. Welcome to the 70’s…
16. Maximum efficiency…

Source: Imgur
17. April 1st is probably this guy’s worst day of the year…

Source: Imgur
18. Fake sneezing on your colleagues. Always entertaining…
19. For the arachnophobes in the office…

Source: How Does She
20. Kyle was the latest person to feel the wrath of the Social Talent HQ…the classic item in jelly prank (culprit in the background)
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