Top 10 Job Ads That Make You Want to Apply


A couple of weeks back, we broke down our 5 favourite recruitment marketing campaigns. This week, we decided to focus on our favourite and most creative job adverts. Job adverts at the best of times can go unnoticed by potential candidates because they are bland and uninteresting. Some companies have realised this and decided to get really creative in order to get candidates to take action. Creativity = more eyeballs on your content so let’s take you through our top 10 job ads by companies who decided to get a bit creative!

1. McDonald’s

Don’t be alarmed! The largest fast food chain in the world is not being discriminatory here – just check out the fine print. McDonald’s reveal that they are opening opportunities for candidates from all types of backgrounds. They start with a classic attention-grabbing headline which consists of a bold statement, only to reveal their intentions to continually commit to diversity and inclusion.


Source: Coloribus

2. Euro RSCG (now Havas Worldwide)

A very poignant job ad from Havas, one of the largest communications agencies worldwide. They attempt to paint the picture of a potential candidate with itchy feet in their current job. The small chunk of text is particularly striking and draws you in to read it. Havas also targeted this ad perfectly, putting it at a tram stop where employees of the four biggest ad agencies in Amstelveen wait to get their transport into work. The perfect place to reach your ideal candidates.

3. U.S. School

This U.S. school got pretty creative when they needed a bus driver to bring their students to school and back. They emphasise the perks of the job such as weekends off and not having take home work, while instilling these perks with good humour. It also doesn’t hurt having an eye-catching, bright, yellow bus to advertise on.


IKEA are brilliant when it comes to their recruitment marketing strategies – they had one of our favourite recruitment marketing campaigns with their ‘Career Instructions’ product boxes. For this particular ad, they wanted to find hundreds of staff for their new store in Springvale within a 20 minute commute. So they created a GPS mobile billboard which drove around neighbourhoods and displayed Google Maps data to passers-by, telling them how long they would have to walk to find their new job. Crafty!


Source: Coloribus

5. Lego

Lego’s careers Twitter account is one of the finest things you will see in your day today. For each job ad they publish on Twitter, they have an accompanying picture of lego men acting in the job. We love the Tweet below advertising for a Demand Planning role where you can see numerous lego men in different roles in a warehouse. This has a great visual impact as it showcases in lego-form what the job entails and its tagline ‘Bring It To Life’ is more than apt here.

6. Murder Burger

These guys are brilliant. Murder Burger have become well-known for their not-so-standard job ads, really standing out with their quirky personality instilled in their messaging. One of the ads that grabbed our attention was the one below for a cashier role. Straight to the point, they describe how the job is not at all difficult, they can’t offer you a lot but they don’t ask much of you. It is humourous throughout and the personality of the company really shines through. Our favourite part is when they mock the buzzwords most commonly used in job ads today in the final paragraph.


Source: JobMob

7. Dallas Restaurant and Bar

Another humorous post for a customer-facing role (hint!). Dallas Restaurant and Bar needed to hire a bartender and knowing that this role can bring a lot of (drunken) challenges, they decided to encapsulate this in the headline of their ad. The ad is creative and entertaining which increases the company’s chances of attracting more candidates.

Dallas Restaurant and Bar

Source: HireRabbit

8. KMD

KMD is a leading Danish IT and software company which released this smart job ad, leading with perks around work life balance. In the small print, it says:

“Get a career with room for your private life. KMD is growing steadily and we have room for you. But more than that we offer a career with room for both your professional ambitions and your family ambitions. In a work environment where everyone knows the value of a healthy work-life-balance you can shape your career to match your current state of life.”

Work-life balance is increasingly becoming a top reason for candidates to join a company, particularly for millennials who are starting to dominate today’s workforce. KMD use powerful imagery to drive this message home by putting a high chair at an office table, indicating they really value your personal ambitions.


Source: JobMob

9. Lyft

How do you get the attention of thousands of drivers on San Francisco’s busiest highways? Why, with a a creative billboard of course! The copy of this billboard is great as it depicts in just a few words the typical working day of passing drivers and also offers them a viable alternative. Well done Lyft!


Source: HireHive

10. Doyle Dane Bernbach

A truly great piece from the late David Abbot, Founder of Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO. The uniqueness of this job advert lies in its candidness from the Founder himself. He opens with his initial reluctance to write the job advert which immediately piques the interest of the reader. Instead of listing bullet points of responsibilities for the role, he addresses the job description in a conversational tone that puts the reader at ease. Have a read yourself: you’ll love it.


Source: JobMob

So what do you think of our list? Can you think of any other job adverts that motivate you to take action? We’d love to hear about them! While you’re thinking, why not solidify your learning and check out our recent blog post on 5 Things NOT to put in your Job Ad.

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