Before you set about writing the most amazing job advertisement that was ever written you must take some time to consider what your applicants actually want.
According to The Candidate Experience Awards, 48% of applicants have no previous relationship with your company. Some may never have even heard of your company when they see your job ad.
That’s a lot of people who will be hearing about your company for the FIRST time through your job ad. Better make a good first impression!
Let’s have a closer look at building the perfect job advertisement know that we know the components.
So What Does The Perfect Job Ad Look Like?
To create truly great job ads try using the SUCCESs mnemonic.
S- we’re gonna be honest, this is here to make the word success make sense!
With such a high number of people knowing so little about your company it’s vital to convey as much information as possible about what your company does.
Do not assume that the applicant knows:
- Anything about your company
- Anything about your product
- What makes you different
- Why others work with/for you
You have to lace all of this information in throughout your job advertisement to really capture the applicant’s imagination and interest.
When job applicants were asked “What is the most valuable job-related content to you?” the top answers they gave were:
Job Description
This is often the first introduction the candidate has to your company. It’s hugely valuable to job seekers.
Salary Range
Only 22% of employees list the salary in their job description. This gives you the chance to really make your job advertisement to stand out. If you are able to give an insight into the salary range offered. This is one of the top things your candidate is looking for and most of your competition isn’t providing. Take advantage!
Job seekers want to know about what sort of benefits a potential employee could offer.
Successful Candidate Profile
Many job seekers want you to describe what a great employee would look like. Only 33% of employers talk about what their ideal employee would look like so this is another huge opportunity for your advertisement to attract job seekers.
Career Path Examples
Accepting a job is a huge milestone in people’s lives. Applicants are looking for an understanding of the different career paths that are available if they were to accept this role. The job must be presented as a stepping stone in their career with the potential for them to move on to other things. Only 49% of employers do this, so over half are not explaining what sort of career the job seeker can expect from this role. Map out the potential career paths that an applicant could pursue from this role and people are guaranteed to show an interest.
When you tie all of this together you have the recipe for a great job ad that will provide the applicant with all of the information they feel is most important to them as a job seeker.
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