Visual job descriptions are a very powerful way of engaging candidates and really advertising your job (something we spoke about last week). Not only that, but visually pleasing job ads make your recruitment efforts stand out from the crowd and make them more memorable – two aspects that are almost guaranteed to ensure you lure the perfect candidate to your company and away from everyone else’s.
So, to get you all fired up and excited for your next big recruitment campaign, we’ve compiled 26 of the most creative recruitment ads from around the web. Notepads at the ready people:
1. Web Developer Wanted.
2. Marketing agency seeks a (Star Wars loving) intern.
3. Here’s one for all the Twilight fans out there!
4. That “Great Grafic Deigner” will need to be on his/her toes if they want this job!
5. If you can decipher this, you’ve got the job!
6. This puts a whole new spin on the phrase “learn from your mistakes”!
7. Hungry Designers wanted… get it? Get it?
8. This one will sort the men from the boys!
9. Socks and gloves made to look like snowflakes? Genius!
10. The most racist non-racist recruitment ad ever.
11. Oh Apple, you’re killing us!
12. It’s more of an application form that a job ad, but it’s still creative as hell.
13. Another gem from Maccy Dee’s.
14. Even I couldn’t help myself filling this one in!
15. Seriously, McDonald’s recruitment staff are on fire.
16. I don’t, but you can be sure the perfect candidate will!
17. Taking a leaf out Number 8’s book I see…
18. I guess they’re looking for Designers 😛
19. Ssssh! Don’t mention the ‘M’…
20. Hit them with the old reverse psychology game.
21. If you want to work in radio, you’re to be able to need to!
22. Catch them when they’re commuting.
23. Technically, it’s an ad for a job site, but this would be perfect for attracting would be legal professionals into a job.
24. If they can work that out, they deserve the job!
25. Part-time Arabic Copywriters wanted.
26. The Big Chair awaits you!