The power networking exerts in creating change, both for businesses and individuals, cannot be underestimated. One conversation can literally alter the course of your life. But learning how to build, curate and maintain a thriving network is no simple feat. So that’s where SocialTalent and its online recruitment courses come in!
Our latest content release features two new missions on the subject. Developed with Kingsley Aikins, the Founder and CEO of The Networking Institute, each of these are designed to give you the tools you need to establish strong and successful networks. Let’s take a closer look…
How to start networking
Research shows that people who have strong and diverse networks live longer, earn more money and are happier. Networking is a key skill, and yet schools don’t teach it and companies don’t have strategies for it. In this mission, Kingsley Aikins, Founder and CEO of The Networking Institute, will explain why networking is now more important than ever and lay out the practical steps to build a strong network.
Networking for leadership
As your career progresses, relationships become more important than technical skills. What differentiates a leader from a manager is the ability to figure out what individuals and groups to network with to achieve organizational goals. In this mission, Kingsley Aikins, founder and CEO of The Networking Institute, will show how and why building a strong and diverse network is not a luxury but a necessity for leadership.
Check out a preview of the new missions below.
These courses are now LIVE on the SocialTalent platform! And don’t forget! Keep up with all the latest news by subscribing to our newsletter and following us on LinkedIn.