Course Library > Recruiter > Licensed Inclusion Recruiter

Licensed Inclusion Recruiter

Designed to help ensure your recruitment processes are inclusive, this learning path delivers comprehensive strategies to help you adapt your approach. With missions on being an ally and how to recruit across cultures, to content on LGBTQ+ inclusion and how covering can present in a workplace – this is essential learning for any successful recruiter.
Presenters Presented By
Holly Fawcett
SocialTalent Expert
Joanna Abeyie
SocialTalent Expert
Joanne Lockwood
SocialTalent Expert
Holly Fawcett
SocialTalent Expert
Holly’s extensive experience working with global TA leaders has shaped how the world’s leading enterprises achieve hiring maturity. Her experience in this space is unparalleled, making her one of the most sought-after advisors on talent maturity and transformation in the world.
Joanna Abeyie
SocialTalent Expert
Dr. Joanna ​Abeyie is an award-winning, agenda-setting diversity champion and recruiter, social campaigner, TV executive, broadcaster, and journalist.
Joanne Lockwood
SocialTalent Expert
Joanne Lockwood is the founder and CEO of SEE Change Happen, an equality, diversity, inclusion & belonging practice specializing in LGBTQ and transgender awareness.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the Learning Path you will be able to:
Develop inclusive recruiting strategies that engage diverse talent pools.
Adapt recruitment approaches to support cross-cultural hiring needs.
Apply LGBTQ+ inclusive practices throughout the hiring process.
Demonstrate allyship through culturally competent recruiting methods.

Missions in this Learning Path

Have you ever made an international hire and it didn’t work out because of cultural reasons? When we recruit internationally, we are impacting the candidates’ professional and personal lives. As recruiters, we need to understand the likelihood of a successful move and ensure that the candidate is informed and making a good decision. In this mission, Nick Johnston will share his integrated model for recruiting across cultures, how to assess and inform through the recruitment lifecycle and real-life case scenarios.
Inclusion is an active process: the actions we take to work together and co-exist in our organisation's environment is what brings out true team work, collaboration, innovation and results. However, some of the barriers to inclusion are invisible to us as we've never lived it. In this mission, you'll learn from the perspectives of Inclusion Advocates and campaigners who will broaden your perspective and show you how you can include people from every walk of life.
Joanne Lockwood shares her lived experience and practical advice for how to empower effective allies for the LGBTQI+ community in your workplace, particularly how to support trans and gender non-conforming individuals - this mission will challenge your perceptions in a way that will make you think.
Meet Salma El Wardany, who will empower you to take action in being an ally, with real tactics you can practice every day to show up for your colleagues and friends and help make the world a better place.
Business are becoming ever more globalised, and working virtually with colleagues and clients from all four corners of the world is now the norm. However, have you ever experienced a misunderstanding with someone from a different culture where you thought you were clear? Or have you made a faux pas without realising it with an important client from a different country and culture? Cultural differences are nuanced but important, and understanding those nuances helps us all to work collaboratively and aligned on the same objectives. In this mission, we'll look at some of the most important research around cracking the culture code and apply it to how we work day to day, and how we recruit for increasingly globalised teams and organisations.
It can be tough to measure the return on investment of Diversity and Inclusion, because it takes many actions to make a meaningful impact, and because some things (like belonging) are hard to quantify in dollars and cents. In this mission, you'll learn how to measure your D&I baseline, identify opportunities for improvement, and take strategic actions to impact the diversity of the pipeline of talent coming into your company, and the inclusion of employees already with you, and track its progress over time.
In this mission, you'll learn from 8 diverse perspectives on their experience with discrimination, bias and prejuduce in everyday situations, especially in the workplace. Learn about the scale of discrimination and its impact on the economy, and what practical steps you can take to stamp out discrimination in your workplace.
This mission by Roy Baladi from Jobs for Humanity is a hands-on immersive experience that will teach you how to create an inclusive hiring process for people from all walks of life, help you overcome your own biases, and give you a chance to apply what you learn by coaching two underrepresented job seekers.

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