Course Library > Interviewing > Licensed Hiring Manager

Licensed Hiring Manager

Become a deep expert in your role as a Hiring Manager, where you will learn how to strategically develop effective hiring criteria; how to implement a ”Bar Raiser” style talent selection process; the importance of candidate experience in securing the best talent; how interview processes can win (and lose) you great talent, and how to make fair, effective and quality hiring decisions
Presenters Presented By
John Vlastelica
SocialTalent Expert
John Vlastelica
SocialTalent Expert
John Vlastelica draws from over 20 years of recruiting experience, including almost 10 years as a corporate recruiting leader. He was the Head of Recruiting for Expedia, Head of Tech Recruiting for, and a hands-on recruiter and engineering recruiting leader for two start-up divisions of McCaw/AT&T Wireless. In 2005, he started Recruiting Toolbox to help other companies improve their in-house recruiting capabilities.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the Learning Path you will be able to:
Develop comprehensive and well-defined hiring criteria by translating job descriptions and aligning the hiring team, leading to more efficient and targeted candidate selection.
Design and implement a structured interview process that prioritizes positive candidate experience, accommodates various scenarios (in-person or virtual, 1-on-1 or panel), and effectively evaluates candidates based on established hiring criteria.
Identify and leverage top talent motivators to create compelling opportunities for candidates, enhancing the organization's employee value proposition (EVP) and increasing the likelihood of securing top performers.
Make evidence-based and fair hiring decisions by utilizing structured debrief sessions, written feedback, and risk-taking strategies while actively mitigating the risks of "false negatives" and "false positives" in the hiring process.

Missions in this Learning Path

Having well-defined hiring criteria sets the foundation for a successful hiring process. In this mission by John Vlastelica, learn how to translate the language of a job description into specific hiring criteria, good and bad examples of hiring criteria, and how to use hiring criteria to write great interview questions.
The importance of the kick-off meeting for a hiring process is often overlooked, but this meeting plays a crucial role in setting hiring teams up for success. In this mission by John Vlastelica of Recruiting Toolbox, learn how to change up your kick-off strategy meeting with your recruiter to focus on aligning with them, defining the hiring criteria, and building an interviewing plan.
Great candidates are interviewing us as much as we are interviewing them. That's why candidate experience is a competitive advantage and is now more important than ever. In this mission by John Vlastelica from Recruiting Toolbox, you will learn the best practices to ensure a positive candidate experience during the interview stage.
What is the best structure for an interview process? Although this will vary depending on different factors - such as the role you are hiring for – this mission will give you a practical 5 step approach to create a great interview process. John Vlastelica will show you how to align with your interviewing team, the fundamentals of candidate screening, and how to conduct successful onsite and online interviews.
What motivates a top performer? Understanding this is the key to getting a great candidate to accept an offer. In this mission by John Vlastelica from Recruiting Toolbox, you will learn how to uncover a candidate's motivators, how to make your opportunity compelling, and the importance of a strong employee value proposition (EVP).
Having fair, objective criteria and evidence-based feedback will ensure you make great hiring decisions. In this mission by John Vlastelica from Recruiting Toolbox, learn how to structure and facilitate a debrief after an interview, what are "false negatives" and "false positives" and how to avoid them, and the case for written feedback.
Hiring decisions can be complex, and that's why it's so important to be aligned with your interviewing team and recruiter partners. In this mission by John Vlastelica from Recruiting Toolbox, learn how to role model good risk-taking, build accountability mechanisms, and recalibrate when necessary.
Internal candidates deserve more feedback post-interview, especially if they didn't get the job. How do you as a recruiter or hiring manager, ensure internals get the feedback they need to further develop, while also feeling good about the whole experience even if they didn't get the job? There are big risks to treating your company's employees poorly post-interview, so in this mission, John Vlastelica, founder of Recruiting Toolbox, will share best practices for delivering post-interview feedback that helps the candidate develop and also helps you and your company retain strong internal talent that's seeking a new role.

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