Move over Google, you just got Binged in the behind!

bing-logo-transparentOn the European side of the Atlantic, Bing is only used in less than 10% of searches versus Google, but in the USA, Bing’s market share is continuing to grow, where it’s at almost 30%. When Bing and Facebook hooked up in October of 2010, the integration of the two systems was inevitable. Social Graph relevancy is being touted as the next big thing – and now Bing have incorporated that into their new feature: People Who Know.

Finding Expert on the Web Through Bing (People You Know)

In a nutshell, Bing will point you to people who are both in your network who may have tweeted, blogged or posted on Facebook about what you’re looking for, and will also suggest people in the know who you mightn’t have any connection to at all, who are influential in that area. It’ll draw on their blogs, tweets and public recommendations for you to peruse and read about online. It’s only starting to be rolled out in Europe, but it’s in full swing in the US for a little while now.

This is a really great development in social search, and one which may sting Google and their plans for incorporating Google+ recommendations. Let’s face it, since no one is really on Google+ and the world and it’s mother are on Facebook, the data on who you know is much deeper. The underdog has won over!

Bing Social Search SidebarWhat does this mean for recruiters? Well, the main benefits are quite obvious – your blogs about jobs, tweets etc may well get to reach a whole new audience, and you’ll be able to build your influence on the sector you work in. The more activity you have online about that subject, be it jobs in Dublin Ohio or Dublin Ireland, Bing will point your blog and tweets to searchers looking for that information.

Furthermore, you can also find people who are influential about a subject in which you’re looking to learn more, and simply gain from their knowledge. Influential bloggers and twitter account holders you can reach out to that are involved in your desired sector (as a professional rather than as a recruiter – not that recruiters aren’t professional!) are a brilliant resource of information that will help you to keep up to date on developments in your industry, news and more.You’ll also be able to find profiles of people who may be a great fit for a vacancy you’re working on that you can almost instantly pre-qualify based on their blogs and tweets.

Another great part of the feature is that you can begin a conversation on Facebook through Bing about what you’re looking for and add links to articles or webpages on what you’ve found so far.

Has People Who Know been rolled out to your Bing yet? What are your thoughts on it so far? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. Happy Friday!

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